
Cameo Comeback

Cameo is Making a Comeback
Cameo carvings is "a tradition that began in the fifteenth/sixteenth century and was popularized by Queen Victoria of England. Since that time, cameos have predominately showcased women's profiles, and been worn by women who enjoy the beauty and craftsmanship of hand-carved cameos.

Yet cameos have not always been decorative jewelry for women. In fact, at different points in history they have been worn as frequently by men. While the birthplace of the cameo was nearly 300 years before the birth of Christ in Alexandria, Egypt, cameos owe their origins to ancient carving traditions. As far back as 15,000 BC, petroglyphs — figures carved into rock — were used to record significant events and communicate information. In ancient times people used cameos to depict an ethic or moral, or to make a statement about their faith or loyalties.

In the centuries since, cameos [and cameo-inspired pieces] have been used for various purposes and decorated with a wide range of carvings," (The Cameo Collectionfrom rocker-like tongues to horses and nature scenes. (See here)   

Despite, their charm, cameos have been unpopular for some time; people simply have not been wearing them. However, fashion houses like Miu Miu and Lanvin are attempting to change that; this year they have revived the age old charms into something new. Both Miu Miu and Lanvin feature chunky cameo-inspired jewelry pieces in their 2012 collections  —  Miu Miu Spring 2012 and Lanvin Pre-Fall 2012 (See below). Although, both collections have some similarities, the two are very different. Miu Miu's collection is bright and more mod, while Lanvin's collection is less vivid and more romantic. Nontheless, both fashion houses do a wonderful job of meshing together new age style and traditional class — it's the perfect combination.    

The Guide
Below are tips  —  thanks to Shitika Anand of Fashionising  —  on how to rock this trend the modern way along with magazine editorials that hopefully will inspire you:

1. Play Around: You don’t have to ponder upon the history and art textbooks. The comeback of cameo jewellery in 2012 is less serious. Wear as a brooch around the collar or pin it to your scarf. You could even pin it to your hat. 
2. Pair Up With Romantic Silhouettes: Team cameo earrings with romantic silhouettes inspired by the 1960s; they work very well with one another.  

3. Don't  Go Too Far:  If you’re digging into your vintage wardrobe, leave the cameo jewellery in the box. Turn the vintage meter down with more modern-style or futuristic jewellery.

4. Shop Over-sized: When buying cameo jewellery, opt for cameo brooches or oversized cameo pendants, rather than traditional earrings.
Miu Miu Spring 2012
5. Refurbish:  If you have shell cameo pins and brooches, head to an antique jewellery store and ask them to redo the piece on glass or something with a more solid base – this will give you a fresher look. 

Lanvin Pre-Fall 2012 

 Click here, for more Cameo!


  1. ehehe is a common obsession! ;D

    Love cameo return!



    1. I know! When I realized we had similar interests and views on jewelry I instantly followed you...btw your coverage of the the cameo comeback was superb; I loved your incorporation of more traditional and romantic pieces.

  2. Cameo's are so beautiful,especially ones with really intricate details,with the face and hair,my grans one is beautiful.
    I spotted these mui mui ones too,a gorgeous contemporary twist on the cameo,I love the sunglasses there amazing,so cute.

    Thanks so much for your lovely comment,it was really lovely too read,Im glad you like them.Sorry I havent stopped by your blogs is a while,hope your well x

    1. wow! Just stopped by your shop,that gusher necklace is gorgeous! beautiful colours x

    2. Thanks Kayleigh! I really appreciate your opinions and your support.

      Once, those bracelets become available, I will definitely have to scrummage some money together and buy one.

  3. thanks for your lovely comment!
    love your blog and i am following you now ♥

  4. Nice post; I really like the Lanvin necklace.

    1. Thanks Sis. I am surprised you liked this post. I didn't think you would think Cameo was "cool" enough. lol.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Thanks for sharing a fun and inspirational post on the cameo trend. I love the way you've showed how modern this classic can be.

  6. I am following you sweetie, thanks for visiting my blog!
    I really like yours :) (come back)

    1. Thanks Pao! I am now following you, too.

  7. Such a gorgeous collection of photos/inspiration, and I love your suggestions for making the cameo more modern. Fantastic!

  8. Wow this is an amazing blog! I love the cameo looks. Please take a look at my blog, I am a novice but would be grateful if you can take a look. Vicky x

    1. You have a great blog and I was trying to follow you back, but there wasn't any follow button available on your blog. If you put one up, I will be sure to follow you back. It would be great if we could stay in contact.
