
In The Media

Wired & Inspired
Shannon Scates of Wired & Inspired recently featured me in her EXTRAordinary People series. I was so flattered and honored when she asked me to do an interview with her in regards to Pure Love. Here I share with you a snippet of what we chatted about: 

Shannon: What inspired you? 

Me: I would have to say that my passion for art has been my biggest inspiration, along with my little obsession with fashion. It seems the two, art and fashion, have always been a major factor in my life. When I was in high school, I use to fantasize about owning a clothing line and I would sketch designs mainly of dresses in my personal sketchbook. As I got older it progressed into jewelry. While in college, one of my art professors noticed that a lot of my art incorporated jewelry - before then I never noticed my fascination with it. Once I realized that jewelry was another form of art, I started to create pieces for me; it eventually progressed into a jewelry line for others. 

Shannon: What keeps you wired? 

Me: My supportive family, friends, and clients keep me motivated the most. Their words of encouragement and constant requests drive my jewelry designs and creations. 

Click here, to read more of my interview with Shannon Scates of Wired & Inspired.  


  1. How exciting!! Congrats! Thank you for stopping by my blog, I am your newest GFC follower :)

  2. oh this is great!

  3. Your jewelry art pieces are fantastic. Congrats on the recognition, but I must say it's seems deserved! Inspiring.


  4. A very intersting interview :))

    Do you like to follow each other :))Let me know,i would love to :)
