

Recently, I completed a custom handmade design for a returning customer of Pure Love. The design incorporated amazonite, black agate, black glass, and sterling silver. With the permission of my client I modeled her set, "Blazing," here for you all to see. Additionally, I have gathered some quick facts about the stones used in this piece, below.   

---Amazonite is said to be a powerful stone that brings peace – “It’s soothing turquoise color energy…helps temper excesses, restores calm after a storm, relieves stress, and neutralizes extremes. It is a Stone of Harmony, both within the self and among people.

---Amazonite is also powerful in attaining and maintaining personal balance. It is called the ‘Stone of Truth’ and the ‘Stone of Courage’. Associated with the throat and heart chakras, amazonite assists in perceiving one's higher truths and communicating them to others. It is a powerful Barrier Filter, dissipating negative energies and helping to establish boundaries…”(1)

---Agate is another powerful stone that is often worn as an amulet –  “Agates are among the oldest good luck and healing stones.”(2) Black agate, specifically, is often worn for protection and courage.

Resources 1, 2

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